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Home » » 33. Stay Centered

33. Stay Centered

Written By Unknown on Saturday, June 14, 2014 | 9:00 AM

100 Action Principles To Get Success

33. Stay Centered

In the battles of life, you will take punches. Some may hurt. This too will pass. You are the center of your universe. Take care of your own needs first. Then go to your family, then to friends, neighbors and employees. Move on the larger communities. Don’t use saving the world as an excuse to forget you family. Don’t allow others to rush or pressure you to act before you can decide what is right. The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
Once again, you are very small part of the grand scheme of thing. You are one with the universe. You are everything and nothing. Remain calm, balanced and aware.

Read Previous Tip: 32. Embody Integrity.
Continue Reading Next Tip: 34. Love Many Things.




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