100 Action Principles To Get Success
36. Maintain Your Presence
Your contented presence shows an air of simple elegance and refinement in attitude and form. You appear physically, emotionally and spiritually strong, yet you seem to have even greater strength in reserve. You are poised, coordinated and balanced. You command with effortless, assured confidence. Be calm. Be deliberate. Feel assured and alert. Look good. Feel good. Keep your eyes forward. Breathe deeply. Speak with a soft voice in a thoughtful manner. Rarely interrupt. Be brief. Walk with a purpose. Don’t rush. Have a firm handshake. Your eyes are friendly. Your demeanor is respectful. Let your smile begin in your mind. You exhibit both style and class. First impressions are lasting.The things you want drawn to you will come as a result of your good nature and determined persistence. Pause and savor the moment. Begin your work.
Read Previous Tip: 35. Forget Everybody.
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