100 Action Principles To Get Success
46. Be Persistent
Modern life can make you soft. The status quo may become comfortably familiar. You can actually begin to believe that you are doing all that you can, or that doing more isn’t worth the effort. No! Don’t think that way! Challenge yourself. You must start the positive momentum in your life and then you’ve got to stick with it day to day. You don’t need someone else to tell you not to smoke. If today, you smoked a pack, tomorrow smoke 18. The next day,17. Improve. If you haven’t read a book recently, read one. If you don’t exercise, take a walk around the block. If you’re shy, say to five new people: “Good morning”You know yourself. You know what improvement you need. You don’t need anyone to tell you not to jump from a fifty-story building, so why would you need someone to tell you not to do drugs, to exercise more, eat a sensible diet, talk to your kids, or compliment your employee? You know what to do.
Keep going. No one can say that you failed until you do. Keep taking small steps toward your goal. Challenge the you who is content with yesterday’s accomplishments. Take a deep breath. Changes that last a lifetime begin in a moment. With persistence, only time stands between you and your goal.
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